9th decimal to BITCORE trading at HitBTC

9th decimal to BITCORE trading at HitBTC

We are happy to announce that HitBTC increased the decimals from 6 to 9 for Bitcore BTX trading pairs. This will have a positive impact on trading and prevent the walls move quickly and possibly disappear. Because, the trading of Bitcore at HitBTC was happening only...
Livenet; Bitcore Machine

Livenet; Bitcore Machine

Livenet is an optical blockchain visualization page where you can see the Bitcore Blockchain with 3D animation live. Livenet displays any block and any transaction (TXID) in different sizes. The idea is to visually show the Bitcore blockchain for educational purpose....


Bitcore designed for Reliable Payment Solutions. Like, RT #BitcoreGame and tag 3 people in comments. 300 BTX to win. Official Twitter Author: LIMXTEC Team Email: [email protected] Bitcointalk English | German Telegram English | German | Spanish | News | Venezuela...